New Normal

it has been a while that I have not updated anything here.

COVID-19 – a term that did not exist in 2019, changes the world completely:

  1. what we have been take for granted is no longer possible or at least not easy as it used to be such as enjoying an oversea trip,  watching a movie in a cinema.. and even enjoying a tasteful meal in a restaurant..
  2. what we have been considered as impossible or at least not potentially feasible is  becoming reality,  meeting virtually, signing contract without physical presence,  working from home – conference call becomes new normal..

The epidemic has forced people to think and act differently in order to continue the basic activities..   This impacts not only to everyone’s personal life but also how each business should be conducted.  many business activities stalled – airline, hotel, …  and some are

From customer interaction perspective, one big challenge limited physical face to face interactions and people movement,  – physical shop,  customer interfaces…  Many of these have to be transferred to the digital platforms..  that does not means the one to one copy..  this requires changes of complete mindset, thinking and process of business delivery..   Digitization – a term is becoming popular in recent years, will be one of key elements to determine the survival a company, whether you like it or not.    and the CX (customer experience ) in digital only should be one of key elements in “new normal” world.


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