Problem with my monitor

With current COVID-19 situation,  working from home (WFH) is new normal for me.   I use a Dell monitor instead of watching the small laptop screen for more than 10 hours everyday.

However, I started to notice that  the color near the edges became faded especially when dark colors were shown a few months ago.  Since it was still lock-down at that time,  I decided put it aside first.

here is what happened when I decided to get it solved.

First, I searched Dell website to find out how to get support.

  1.  Product model – no issue,  got it from Dell display manager installed
  2. Service Tag – what is that?  here is link from Dell , which looks simple. But when I tried to find it from my monitor, I realized that it is not so easy.  Somehow, Dell designer decided to put in the bottom middle part behind the monitor. But,  that part is perfectly blocked by the monitor stand and cables.  Alternatively,  it was mentioned that it could be detected.  But, after I downloaded and run  their SupportAssist program as suggested,  I realized that that did not work for me – I am not using a Dell PC.   So the only choice for me is to do some physical works.  Luckily,  the design of  monitor stand is excellent.  I could rotate the monitor easily and that allow me take a photo of the service tag
  3. Call – number is there
    1.  option selection was  quite smooth,  either choosing a  number or just saying it – what product.
    2. no long waiting –
    3. the first thing the service agent asked is not service tag but Express Service Code –  which was just below the service tag – luckily I took a photo.
    4. After explaining my monitor’s problem,  I was instructed to follow a few simple steps and take a photo of the monitor’s display.
    5. Once I took the photo, the agent asked to sent photo to Dell… by just replying to an email he just sent..  yes,  it reached my inbox just one or two minutes later.
    6. I thought – OK,  well, probably I have to wait for another a few days before I could get any feedback..  But, “Just hold the line” the agent told me after I sent photos by replying email’s from Dell.
    7. After a few minutes waiting,  the agent confirmed that he received photos I sent and it is product problem.  As my monitor is still under warranty, they would arrange 1 to 1 replacement the next day if the stock is available – A good news indeed.
  4. Replacement
    1.  this part went quite well
    2. I got call for the logistic team to confirm the time and address for delivery in the same day
    3. I also received email from Dell Support again to confirm the replacement arrangement
    4. In the  next day, the replacement came , not exact the same model I used, but the next generation- what a surprise.

Now, when I think the whole experience of my monitor issue,  this is probably one the best post-sale support I received (the others are from Apple), especially the first call resolution attitude.   But definitely there are rooms for improvement:

  1.  where the service tag is.    Dell positioned it in a place where it is quite difficult for people to check.  probably this is misalignment between product design and service needs.
  2. how to share  the information from customer to Dell?   You noticed that I have to send photos via email and wait (but not very long…)  or is there any alternative approach? how about a dedicated Dell support app? how about an photo upload link sent via message?

your thoughts?

Where is my coffee?

It is Saturday afternoon.  Things were moving slowly.  I just thought I need something to boost my energy.  Instead of going out, I decided to order something from Starbucks via local food delivery platform..  a bit lazy choice.

The ordering went smoothly. The app is easy to use,  you can find Starbucks easily and offering from Starbucks were presented nicely. I selected a cup of coffee,  a cup of tea as well as a small cake,  for my wife and myself.   The payment process was quite great.  No more typing of 16 or 15 digits of your credit card,  it was integrated with Apple Pay (I am using iPhone).   Once payment was confirmed, the app presented order status “preparing…”.  I received email confirmation as well.  So far so good

You can image that preparing a cup of coffee and tea is not going to take much time especially they are from Starbucks.   But,  I started to get worried what was going on as the app still showing the status preparing,  just tea and coffee… you know..

30 minutes was gone,  no change of the status – still preparing, I checked the app – only 3 standard items available for my pending order  – – basically, you can not cancel it, you can not change it.. . And I started to search whether there was  any customer support channel available – nothing in the App.   I went to their website – Great! the help center only presented standard answer, no online chat and no phone number.   And I did google search.  and then I got  email to their support – usually, that would not solve anything in a timely manner.

almost 40 minutes passed,  my order was still preparing. I decided to send an email to their support anyway.

email was sent and just after that I received a notification that my order is on the way,  finally, after more than 50 minutes from a Starbucks probably just 1km away.

The issue here is me,as customer does not have any means to address their needs to find out what was going on and whether they could do anything – change the order, cancel the order or …   This in turn, I believe, would impact their decision when they need to select the delivery platform next time.

I checked “help” again after my order was delivered,  I noticed that the items available were related delivery  (anything missing, any problem, wrong order), payment, feedback about delivery person, and late delivery (was it a bit too late to ask whether the delivery was late? ) Actually, I noticed that there were chat function under certain questions, for example, missing item,  order marked as delivered but not received yet. ..  It seems that the platform adopted smarter approach to deploy their support resource:

  1. no generic helpline
  2. only target those that requires human intervention
  3. no support if that is beyond their control.  Probably delay in food preparation is not something they could change immediately as it is under the control of restaurant. hopefully,  there will be follow up actions with the respective restaurant if there were always complaints about the delay .

I received their email response within the 30 minutes after i clicked send button.  I was surprised. At least, someone was working on the customer support email and addressing the concern form customer.

I would say the missing piece here is how to deal customer frustration when there is delay in food preparation which is not under their direct control.  But that is also one of key pain point their customer is facing I believe.  I really do not want wait for my coffee for 50 minutes.

have a good cup of coffee!

New Normal

it has been a while that I have not updated anything here.

COVID-19 – a term that did not exist in 2019, changes the world completely:

  1. what we have been take for granted is no longer possible or at least not easy as it used to be such as enjoying an oversea trip,  watching a movie in a cinema.. and even enjoying a tasteful meal in a restaurant..
  2. what we have been considered as impossible or at least not potentially feasible is  becoming reality,  meeting virtually, signing contract without physical presence,  working from home – conference call becomes new normal..

The epidemic has forced people to think and act differently in order to continue the basic activities..   This impacts not only to everyone’s personal life but also how each business should be conducted.  many business activities stalled – airline, hotel, …  and some are

From customer interaction perspective, one big challenge limited physical face to face interactions and people movement,  – physical shop,  customer interfaces…  Many of these have to be transferred to the digital platforms..  that does not means the one to one copy..  this requires changes of complete mindset, thinking and process of business delivery..   Digitization – a term is becoming popular in recent years, will be one of key elements to determine the survival a company, whether you like it or not.    and the CX (customer experience ) in digital only should be one of key elements in “new normal” world.


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