Why the Delay?

Yes, this site has been quiet since last August, even my last post asking for patience.

A lot has happened:

  1. I lost my regular work due to company cost cutting at the end of Sep/2023
  2. I had to spend more time searching for new opportunities, which is still ongoing.
  3. moved back to my old flat, – which I had to renovate, repaint. even though it was not done by me but engaged contractor. still a time-consuming work.
  4. ……

will be back soon…


A few thoughts on what is happening now..  it has probably nothing to do with CX topic.

The beginning of the new decade does not seems to be good.

The spread of Covid-19 virus from China to the world has been changing the lives of more and more people on earth.. precisely, on earth, where multi-billion people are bore, make a living, being happy or being sad….  This challenge is not just for a specific country, specific race but the human being as a whole.

What I do not understand is

  1. why some persons could put their own personal gain, interest ahead of surviving , being healthy, the chance of living of other people..
  2. why countries are figure pointing each other when the virus is still spreading and more and more people are suffered
  3. why someone try to claim the superiority of his/her system when it is just a beginning…

we, everyone on this planet,  have only one home, earth! nobody could run away from this beautiful planet..   We need to really sit back and think how we should work together, not against each other… after we overcome current challenge,  I strongly believe we will, but at a cost..   there are still many many long term challenges ahead of us..

Take care!

what is about this site?

I have been wondering what I should post here…

there are a few topics in my mind:

  1. my experience when I interact with a provider, it could be a shop,  mobile company, airline, ……
  2. my observation on how user experience is being delivered
  3. my thoughts on how user experience could be improved
  4. specifically on design thinking and service design idea  – why? as the idea of design thinking is to look at issue from user perspective..  I am still learning …

let me give it a try….


Why Experience?

in Modern days, the success is usually the result of super experience the end user received. it could be something big or small, but the experience itself must address the needs of an user, It does not matter whether it is the basic needs or not.. as they are one pay… or not? 

the success of many products are the result of super experience  and fulfillment of user needs, which , users themselves are not aware  – like the success of iPhone from Apple.. 

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